The example to the left requires 5 training, which would also display as 1 Effort Heart. For example, if I did 4 trainings I would have 1 Effort Heart. You can use Effort Hearts to help keep tracking of your training, but these don't always line up exactly. In the example to the left, you must train between 5 and 15 times to fullill this condition. How many training sessions are required to evolve. For evolving into Stage VI, more than 4 care mistakes will immediately kill your Digimon when it is time for it to evolve.

For evolving into Stage III or IV, if 4 Care Mistakes are indicated as working for evolution, more than 4 Care Mistakes will also work. In the example to the left, 1 care mistake is required, but 2 or 3 will also work, though 4 will not. The number of full skulls indicates how many care mistakes are required, while half skulls indicate that a care mistake is optional. How many care mistakes are required to evolve.